Science Models
Science Fair Projects

Published on Feb 13, 2025

CBSE Computer Projects Class XII in C++

Salmonids by Numbers II
Security Through Chaos
Simulating Incompressible Fluid Flow with the Navier-Stokes Equation
Computer Model of the SARS Epidemic
Computer Simulation and Study of the Strategy Board Game Blokus
Continual Adaptation of Acoustic Models for Domain-Specific Speech Recognition
Cracking the Code
Creating a 3D Rubik's Cube Simulator in C++ and OpenGL
Developing a Computer Program That Effectively Mimics Human Creativity
Development of a 3D Search Engine for Mechanical and Geometrical Applications
Development of a Mashup That Transforms a Smartphone into an Assisted Vision Aid
Effect of Encryption Key Combination on Data Security
Effect of Impaired Judgment and Speed on Traffic Accidents
Effects of Cell Compressibility
Effects of Motility and Contact Inhibition on Tumor Viability
Environmental Changes and Species Diversity
Evolving Neural Networks to Play Mastermind
Examining File Compression in Computers
Face Recognition by the Computer
Innovating Credit Card Security through Smartphone
Local Layering of Images with a Natural User Interface
Malware Identification by Statistical Opcode Analysis
Mathematical Model for the Optimal Arrangement of Cell Phone Towers
Multi-document Summarization using Spectral Clustering
Net the Net
Novel Genetics-Based Early Disease Detection
Plagiarism Analysis Program
Post-Disaster Response Using a Novel Adaptive Object Recognition Algorithm
Prisoner's Dilemma
Programming a Video Game in Scheme
Programming for Optimal Error Reduction in Line-Following Applications
Programming for the Computer and iPhone Platforms
Quadrocopter Aerial Monocular Vision
Real-Time Markerless Hand Computer Interaction
Software Complexity Measurement
Effect of Impaired Judgment and Speed on Traffic Accidents
Study and Analysis of Q-Learning Algorithm Parameters
Super-Encryption Standard for Large Data Using Elementary Chaotic Cellular Automata
Total Kid Organizer
Transportation Networks and the Propagation of Novel H1N1 Swine Flu-like Epidemics
Turbo Charging Computer with Mathematical Algorithms
Unbeatable PONG through Artificial Intelligence
Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks to Create a Learning Robot
Accuracy of Voice Recognition Software
Adaptive Interference Rejection in Wireless Networking
A Novel Approach to Text Compression Using N-Grams
Application of Bayesian Networks for Speech Classification
Application of Geographic Profiling to Graffiti Crimes
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Project in Computer-Based Music Composition
Category Oriented Web Search Engine