Science Models
Science Fair Projects

Published on Feb 13, 2025

How to Cool Your Drink the Fastest


The objective: To determine which is the fastest way to cool a can of soda pop by testing four different devices of cooling.


To find out the fastest way to cool a can of soda.


I think the fastest way to cool a can of soda is to put it in a freezer compartement.


• 12 cans of soda

• Instant-read digital thermometer

• Two syrofoam coolers

• Ice cubes

• Water

• Clock or timer

• Plastic Wrap

• Pen

• A piece of paper


1. First, prepare an ice-only bath by adding the same amount of ice to the sryrofoam cooler to completely cover tree cans of soda.

2. Next, prepare an ice-water bath by adding the same amount of ice to a second stryrofoam cooler,then covering the ice with water.

3. Then use the thermometer to measure the starting temperatures of the freezer, the refrigerator, the ice-only the ice-water, and each can of soda (total of 12) at room temperature.

4. Write these temperature on a piece of paper.

5. Then, place three cans in each of the cooling devices and note the starting time.

6. Wait for 10 minutes, then quickly take all of the cans out of cooling devices and use the thermometer to measure the temperature of each of the cans.

7. Record the temperatures on the piece of paper.

8. Then repeat the steps 5 to 7 for two more times.

9. Make a chart/graph to compare all the results.

10. The cooling device that gives the lowest temperature to the can of soda is the one that cools things the fastest


At the beginning, all the liquid in each of the cans is at the same temperature (18°C). After ten minutes, the cans in the ice-only and in the ice-water have the lowest temperature (8°C), but the can in the refrigerator has the highest temperature. After twenty minutes, the can in the ice-only has the coolest temperature, but the can in the refrigerator has the highest temperature. Lastly, after thirty minutes, the temperature of the can in the ice-water suddenly dropped more than the can in the ice-only and the can in the refrigerator is still the one that has the highest temperature.

How to Cool Your Drink

How to Cool Your Drink


Based on the results, the can of soda in the ice-only device cooled the can of soda the fastest in 20 minutes, but I realized that my last can of soda in the ice-only device was not wrapped around evely with the ice and therefore, after another10 minutes, the temperature of the can actually went backup a little bit.

The can of soda in the ice-water device cooled the can the fastest in 30 minutes. Since the ice water wrapped around the cans of soda evenly, the temperature of the cans kept dropping.

The refrigerator is not a good device for cooling any drink because the temperature only dopped by 4 degrees in 30 minutes. If I needed a cool drink quickly, I definitely wouldn't put my drink in the refrigerator.

The freezer is a good devicefor cooling if you can wait for 30 minutes.

The conclusion is that I was wrong and that the ice water device was the one that cool the cans the fastest in 30 minutes.










Science Fair Project done By Jessica Lim