Published on Feb 13, 2025
The objective: Our plans is to make a catapult and a pulley. We are trying to make work easier by moving our load across the room with a catapult. The pulley will be attached to the catapult and the weight. Once we pull down the weight the catapult with swing the load across the room. This will make work much more easier.
One simple machine that we will be using is a pulley. This simple machine is helpful to us because we need force to lift heavy objects onto something. The pulley in our Compound Machine is going to help lift the object from one place and then put it on the lever.The pulley will reduce the amount of work needed to do something. For example a pulley can make lifting a boulder possible. The pulley will let the catapult gain enough force to push weight down on our lever causing it to release the load.
Our second simple machine is a lever. For our catapult we will be using a lever to release the load. A catapult can help you in many ways. You can move one object to another place in just a pull of a string. We will be using 2 materials in our group. The first material is wood and our second material is string. If we did not have these 2 materials we would not succeed.
We will be creating a compound machine. We will have a lever to release the object from the catapult. We will also have a pulley to to connect the lever and the weight. If we did not have any of these two simple machines many of the things you see would not work. Compound machines are everywhere it could be a car,plane or even a train! Compound machines are a big help.
I liked doing projects like these because of the building stage. They are fun to do but it takes lots of time to see the finished product. If I had to do another science fair I would choose a catapult the next time I do a virtual science fair .I think that compound machines were a great idea for the Virtual Science Fair. Ava and I have worked hard and tried our best. We hope that we do well!
We have to make a compound machine. One of the simple machines that we are using is a pulley. The other simple machine that we are using is a type of lever. For the Virtual Science Fair we have to combine the two machines and create a compound machine.
One of our simple machines that we are using is a pulley. Using a pulley is going to be very useful for our design because pulleys are very useful for lifting and lowering items. The pulley is going to help us move an object from one place to another by bring it down and placing the object on our lever. The pulley will allow a smaller amount of force to be needed to complete the work. The pulley helps to reduce friction on the rope, making the work go faster. The pulley will help us in our project a lot.
Our second simple machine is a type of lever. The type of lever that we are going to use is a catapult. A catapult is a machine that is similar to a slingshot so it will help us by moving an object from one place to another. A catapult will help us take the object or the load and swing it across the room. We are planning to use wood for our main material because it is very stable and it won’t fall into pieces. A catapult is going to help us a lot for our image that we want to create.
A compound machine is a big machine with lots of simple machines in it. My partner and I were thinking of combining two machines called a lever and a pulley. Our compound machine will help us move an object across the room. Did you know that all big machines have simple machines. For example a bike has a many of simple machines. Compound machines are very usefull and I am looking forward to making one!
Before we stared any of our other work we had to find good research for the whole project. Here is our research and notes:
We are wanting to move an object from one place to another, using and pulley and a lever. We are trying to find a way to make work easier for people. We made a catapult so that it will swing the object/load across room. The pulley will be attached to the catapult and the weights, once we pull down the wait the catapult will swing up and reels the object/load across the room.
Our hypothesis is that the pulley will connect the weight and the lever, causing a reaction to pull the lever down. It will then make the the lever release the load across the room
• Rope
• Pulley
• Tape
• Wood
• Container to hold load
• Football
• 10 pound weight
• Letters
• Hinges
1. We had to do all of our work and research that we could do without our model
2. We purchased all of our materials:
3. We glued the two bases together
4. We put together the lever and a flat piece of wood
5. Then we got the drill and attached two pieces of wood beside the beam to support it
6. Then we drilled the beam into the base
7. After we were done that we made another base
8. Drill the lever to the other base
9. After you are done that you attach the flat wood to the lever
10. Put a long piece of wood to be another base to the shorter base to hold the pulley
11. Get a wide and flat piece of wood and attach it to the side with a hinge
12. Then we put a piece a of wood to support the flat piece of wood
13. Then we attached a container to the lever
14. After that we put a string through the pulley and around the weight and lever
15. Then with the other side of the string tie it around the lever
16. After all that pull the string and the weight will fall and the lever will flip up
17. Then your load will swing across the room
We are finally done our Virtual Science Fair! We started off by researching and collecting our information by looking in books and websites, which included a lot of reading! We then put all of our information together to make our own essay. During all of this reading and typing we had to make a bibliography. When we were making our bibliography we had to look really hard for all the information we needed to make it complete. When we were done all of our research we started to gather our materials for our model. Then we built our model, it was a big success! At that point we had to create a question to answer, here is ours: How do you move an object from one place to another?
To solve this question we made a catapult that swung the load across the room. Our catapult is very well built out of wood and hard work. Here is our hypothesis: Our hypothesis is that the pulley will connect the weight and the lever, causing a reaction to pull the lever down. It will then make the the lever release the load across the room. We have tested our hypothesis and it was correct. Our catapult is very well built and is a great compound machine. If we were to build this project again we would change the size, make it a bit smaller. We put a lot of dedication and hard work towards our catapult.
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