Science Models
Science Fair Projects

Published on Feb 13, 2025


The objective:

The Intranet Mailing System is applicable within an organization only. In this fast growing world where every qualified person is in urgent need of a job, they join places, working at odd times. The organization has shift times and it becomes difficult for an employee of the shift to communicate with another employee of a different shift. In these circumstances the Intranet Mailing System proves its worth; if the organization has an Intranet Mailing System facility available to all its employees then each employee can register himself/herself and send mails to any other registered employee and thus making the communication easier.

Although the Intranet Mailing System works in similar fashion as that of internet mailing system, there is no needed to get an internet connection for our mailing system. The various branches of the organization can be connected to a singled host server and then an employee of one branch can send a message to an employee of another branch through the server.

Proposed System :

• This system supports the intranet mailing system

• The system also supports the file transfer system

• Here we maintain the groups for adding the friends with in the intranet.

• This system maintains inbox for received mails and also maintain sent folder for storing the sending mails.


• User Login:

First to enter this system the users has to login to this system. First a login screen should be displayed to get the user details. The user has to enter the user-id and the password.

• User Details

This module contains 2 parts. User maintenance and password change.

• User maintenance is used to create a new user, modify the details of existing user or remove the existing user. Only the admin type user will have access to this part.

• User password is used to change their own password. Both admin and normal user will have access to this.

• Send and receive mails

Here we develop the features for storing the received mails and also for sending mails. Here we design the inbox for store the received mails and maintain sent folder for sending mails. These details stored into the database.

• Add friends in the network

Here we maintain the groups for adding the friends in the network. If you want to join then select any one then join into that. Here we have a facility to join in the multiple groups.

• Reports

This module is used to prepare various online reports. This module will be enabled only to the admin type of users.

• Help

This module contains the following 2 things - Help and About.

• The Help menu should display the detail information about the system.

The About menu should give information about this software like developed by, version and contact details.