Does the Color of Food Affect Its Taste |
Does Name Influence Personality Type |
Expressing Emotion |
Touch or Not Touch |
Two Studies on Gender Stereotypes |
How Does Gender Affect Multitasking |
Effect of Age on Attention via Word and Color Recognition |
Effects of the Growth Mindset on Academic Success and Happiness |
The Nose Knows |
Multi-Tasking Teens |
Sonification |
Innovation in Autism |
Does Medical Knowledge Improve Drug Compliance |
Teenagers Choose Cell Phones over Brain Cancer |
Yummy or Eww |
How Childproof Are Childproof Medicine Bottles |
Color vs. Taste |
Can Teenagers Measure Serving Sizes |
Teens and the Media |
San Carlos Teens Solve National Debt Crisis |
Unwrapped |
Effect of Age on Ability to Predict Personalities |
It's Not Easy Being Green |
Warped Words and the Stroop Effect |
Encouragement and Discouragement |
Primary or Secondary Speakers |
Study of the Effect of Bilingual Accents |
Mood and Other Health Benefits of Yoga, Tai Chi, and Aerobic Exercise |
Confusion of the Senses |
Correlation Between Cerebral Aptitude and Varying Motivational Stimuli |
All that Meets the Eye |
Stop, Roll or Run |
Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Students |
Predicting Real World Characteristics from Virtual Behavior |
Retain to Recall |
2+2 = Racism |
Does Gender Affects Frustration |
Study of Self-Concept in Children with Down Syndrome |
It's Not Easy Being Green |
The Password Paradox |