Published on Feb 13, 2025
The objective: From a known mass of solid CO2 (dry ice), what is the volume of CO2 gas produced when the sample has completely sublimed? How does the measured volume compare to the volume predicted by the ideal gas law?
We took ten different samples of solid CO2 (dry ice) of different known masses. After weighing each sample we placed them in our reaction vessel one at a time and waited for them to completly sublime.
Once they had completly sublimed we measured the ammount of gas by seeing how much water was displaced by the CO2. We recorded and graphed the results and compared the gas ammounts from our given solid to the predictions of the ideal gas law
Our results were plotted on two graphs, one comparing the ammount of grams of dry ice to the liters of gas produced, and the other comparing the grams of dry ice to the moles of CO2 gas.
Using the method known as the least squares fit for liner functions we ploted a straight line on our grams of CO2 to moles graph.
From our limited results we have found that the ammount of CO2 gas produced by the dry ice is proportionatly the same with all masses. We had many minor adjustments we made to get accurate results. The ideal gas law gives a very accurate prediction of our results in our expiriment with the ideal gas CO2.
This project we measured the volume of CO2 gas given off by various wieghts of dry ice, and evaluated those data points using the ideal gas law equation (PV=nRT) to calculate the molecular wheight of CO2.