Science Models
Science Fair Projects

Published on Feb 13, 2025


The objective:

My project was to determine if bean plants grew stronger and healthier by the addition of the right amount of sugar to their watering. I believe that plants that receive 50 grams of sugar per liter of water would help bean plants grow to be stronger, healthier and larger because they would get energy from the sugar.


36 bean plants were grown in potting soil. The same amount of soil was used in each pot and it had no added nutrients. The plants were grown under 24 hour light, for the same length of time. They were watered everyday with 22.18 milliliters of water.

The amount of sugar in the water was either: no sugar, (control), 25 grams of sugar per liter of water, 50 grams of sugar per liter of water or 75 grams of sugar per liter of water.

The plants grew for 28 days. Each plant was removed gently from the pot, rinsed in water, and measured. The roots and the plant itself were measured separately.


The plants with watered with 50 grams of sugar per liter of water were the strongest, healthiest and the largest. This was determined by measurement and visual inspection.


The plants with watered with 50 grams of sugar per liter of water were the strongest, healthiest and the largest. This was determined by measurement and visual inspection.

The project determined whether sugar effected bean plant growth.

Science Fair Project done By Mary M. Karcher