Science Models
Science Fair Projects

Published on Feb 13, 2025


The objective: It is not uncommon in today's electronically connected world to get information about the same subject from a variety of sources. Search engines like Google have made this possible with a mouse click and as a result human beings are inundated with information.

The challenge is to combine these "results" into a concise summary. Can this summary be automatically generated based on quantitative scores with no qualitative judgment? In other words, can we write a program that will create a concise, effective, and coherent summarization of multiple articles on the same subject?.


My method uses the technique of spectral clustering to summarize multiple documents. Clustering techniques are widely used for data analysis and spectral clustering often outperforms traditional clustering algorithms such as k-means.

Given a set of documents, the program will first create a similarity graph, with vertices representing the sentences in the documents and weighted edges between vertices to represent sentence similarity.

Next, the graph will be divided into a certain number of clusters, where each cluster represents a group of sentences that are similar to each other.

A representative sentence is then chosen from each cluster. These sentences are then ordered to create a summary.

For my experiments, I chose news articles and results of search-engine queries as multi-documents.


The proposed method is fast and effective for documents containing news articles and reviews. In addition, the results satisfy two key properties: (i) summary does not contain redundant information; (ii) sentences conveying little or no information are not included in the summary.


In this reasearch, I implemented a method to generate a concise and accurate summary of multiple documents on a common subject. This research would have applications in many varied fields, for example in summarizing news articles or search results of specific topics.

For future work, I would like to extend this technique to implement an "aggregator" that can collect multiple related news articles from a set of sources that feeds into the "summarizer".

Given multiple documents on a related subject, automatically create a summary that is both coherent and accurate

Science Fair Project done By Rahul Sridhar