Science Models
Science Fair Projects

Eye Can See You

Published on Sep 28, 2024


We will be testing different people of different ages to see how your age affects your eyesight.

This is Aasiyah's and Hana’s Science Fair project. We wanted to see how your age affects your eyesight. We tested people of all different ages by making eye charts and seeing how far they got until they get a letter wrong. We did the same thing with every person and compared the results. By the end we will find out who has the best eyesight and how your age affects your eyesight.


The nervous system is one of the most important and interesting systems in your body. Did you know the brain has the size and appearance of a small cauliflower? But we have more than hundreds of billions nerve cells in our brain, which is about as many stars in the galaxy. With all these nerve cells we can do tons of amazing things. There are many different interesting parts of the brain. There are plenty of nerves that connect to the brain the help you move and think. Did you know the nervous system receives information from the body in all different ways?

There are so many different parts to the brain. Did you know the brain is made seventy five percent water? The brain there are four different lobes in the brain. They are the temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe and the frontal lobe. There are also an important part like the lobes and it is called the cerebellum. The temporal lobe is found by your ears. It processes what you hear and your memory. If you damage your temporal lobe you can sometimes lose your memory. The occipital lobe is at the back of your brain. It processes what you see. The parietal lobe processes information related to touch, taste and temperature. The frontal lobe is located behind your forehead. It gets information about complex thinking like planning, imagining and reasoning.

The cerebellum helps coordinate movement and balance, like walking and throwing. Inside the brain there are different parts. The brain stem is made up of the midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata and the spinal cord. The midbrain acts like a switchboard it allows the brain to communicate with the the rest of the nervous system. The pons pass on messages from the cerebrum to the cerebellum and the and spinal cord. The medulla oblongata watches of your heartbeat and breathing. The spinal cord runs down the inside of the spinal column connecting the brain with other nerves in your body. Did you know the thalamus coordinates sensory messages such as touch? The hypothalamus controls your thirst, appetite and sleep patterns. The pituitary is the part of your brain thats takes care mostly of growth and stress. Those are the parts of the amazing brain.

Nerves help your brain control your body. They are the connection that go throughout your body. There are two different types of Nerves are the sensory nerves and motor nerves. The sensory nerves send messages to the brain. They carry information like taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell.The motor nerves carry messages from the brain to all the muscles in your body. These nerves help control how you move like walking and talking. All the nerves are sort of like many telephone wires going to all different place in your body. Nerves are a special type of cell and if they get injured your body can not fix them So remember nerves are very important to your body.

The nervous system receives information from the body. Some places your body can take information in your body is your hands, feet nose, eyes, mouth, and ears.Your hands and feet can feel. Like when you feel a pillow and when you type on a computer. Noses can smell all different smells. Some smells are phenomenal cakes with a sweet scent to stinky garbage with a rotten smell. Eyes can see what is around you. Like beautiful buildings to brick walls.Your mouth can taste many different things. It can taste tastes from see treats to not so good vegetables. Your ears can hear what's around you. It can hear sounds from loud crowds at hockey games to a mouse scattering on a floor. Those are some places you get information from to go to your brain.

Every once and awhile, you should think about what part of your brain you are using at all different times. When you talk on a phone remind yourself about the nerves and how the a connected like tons of telephone wires. Sometimes you should just stop and stand in one places and sense everything around you. You can hear, touch, taste, see and smell everything around you. I hope you learned a lot about the nervous system.

Research Question

How Does Your Age Affects Your Eyesight?


We predict that as you get older, your eyesight slowly drops at about the age of 35-40, your eyesight would start to weaken. We think that because at the age of 35-40, most people get glasses or reading glasses, or any type of glasses. We are going to test our brothers, mom and dad, fellow classmates, some of our teachers and our friends. We predict that our brothers and classmates will have the best eyesight, our parent and teachers will be in the middle and our grandparents will have the worst eyesight. We think that because as most people get older, more people need some sort of eyewear.


• spoon x5

• black construction paper 7 pages

• two pairs of scissors

• duct tape

• letter eye chart

• test subjects/ people 15-20

• a chair for them/subjects to sit on

• room

• flashlight

• screwdriver (note* not to use on test subjects eyes) or spoon or just a hand.

• scotch tape

• table to record results

• Calculator

• a light switch to shut off and turn on the light

• Score sheets to record on

• Measuring Tape or ruler of meter stick


Step one: Choose about 10-20 test subjects of all different ages.

Step two: Make a spoon by covering a cardboard spoon in black construction paper or just use a hand or a normal spoon.

Step three: Make your eye testing chart [like the ones at the eye doctor] or print out one.

Step four: Make score sheets with their names, age, gender, better eyes, right and left letter chart scores, one spot for each eye and their overall scores.

Step five: Find a room to do our test

Step six: Make sure the test subjects are standing three meters away from the chart.

Step seven: Bring the subjects in the room, and start telling them what we are going to do.

Step eight: Do the letter chart test for each eye [take notes in between each test]

Step nine: Add all the results together and make an average

Step ten: score each person from 1-10

How to mark scores

Step 1: to marking scores: While the test subject is reading out the letters from the eye chart, we will write down all the letters they called out and which chart it was from, and also how many they read aloud.

Step 2: to marking scores: Then you switch charts and we will do the same for the other eye.

Step 3: to marking scores: RWrite the letters down until the gtest subject get a letter wrong.

Step4: Make a score on 1-10 and rate them for each eye, then make an average score for both of the test subjects eyes.

Step5 : to marking scores: Take all of the final scores of all of the subjects we used, and make an average.

Step 6: to marking scores: Rate each one individually depending on the average, and tell them there score, and write it down on a piece of paper. All of the scoring for this project will be done out of 10, 1 being the worst possible, and 10 being the best.


After many days of hard work and tests, we came to the conclusion that... As you age, your eyes start to weaken and you lose your eyesight. When you wear glasses, your age does not matter as much because your eyesight is not as good as the people that do not wear eyewear. Some parts of our hypothesis were correct, and some were a little off. People with contacts or glasses had a harder time reading out the letters on the chart than the people without eyewear. From the results, we got that the ages were not as important as we thought . We had some surprises in results, like Neel and Emily (test subjects) were low in their scores, and Lee Davis and our parents (test subjects), were high in their scores. Some other information we learned from our experiment, is when you hit the age around 40, your eyesight starts to weaken. After that, your eyes weaken even more. Overall, our experiment went really well and we learned a lot of new things about the Nervous system and the Human eye.


Duduc, Bruno The Brain From Top to Bottom, Quebec, Canada 2002

Ahsan Iqbal

Izenberg Neil Kids Health

Smathers, Michael Brain Functions and the Nervous System, West Georgia 2009